mylife Stories

The Easter bunny usually brings lots of sweets. No one should miss out on the fun with their family, children or grandchildren during a cheerful egg hunt – whether they have diabetes or not. Modern technology makes it possible. 

A happy family is running on a field.
Sweets are no longer taboo for people with diabetes

Especially now at Easter time, everyone is tempted to reach for chocolate bunnies and other treats. What children love also makes many adults happy. The fact is: sweets are no longer taboo for people with diabetes. They just need to consider the overall balance of carbohydrates – and normal chocolate contains a lot of fat, which causes blood sugar levels to rise slowly. 

The German Diabetes Association (DDG) recommends a maximum intake of all types of sugar of up to ten per cent of the total energy intake. At 2000 kilocalories per day, this corresponds to around 50 grams of sugar – or a chocolate bunny weighing 100 grams. 

Note increased sugar intake over Easter 

The problem with household sugar is that it is quickly absorbed into the blood and causes blood sugar levels to spike. Therefore, the amount of insulin should be increased accordingly during the sweet days. A so-called hybrid closed-loop system with an integrated algorithm can be very helpful here. It adjusts the supply to the daily and seasonal fluctuations in insulin requirements and compensates if too little insulin has been administered at a meal. The system monitors whether the amount of insulin was appropriate and corrects as necessary. 

The best Easter tips for people with diabetes 

  • Always keep moving: An Easter walk uses up carbohydrates and helps to keep the blood sugar curve flat. 
  • Enjoy chocolate consciously.  
  • Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa content and has less of an effect on blood sugar. 
  • Be careful with fondant eggs, they contain almost exclusively sugar. 
  • Special diabetic chocolate is not necessary. It is better to always keep an eye on the overall balance. 
  • An Easter nest does not just have to contain sweets. Colouring eggs is fun. 

Do not be afraid of the Easter bunny 

People with diabetes need not fear the increased sugar intake at Easter. Nevertheless – and this also applies to people without diabetes – they should consciously enjoy sweets and exercise more, especially over the festive period with sumptuous food and snacks. 

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