mylife Stories

Connection to third-party diabetes therapy management software is possible

With the mylife YpsoPump, we follow a modular approach to give you freedom of choice in your diabetes therapy. You now have the option of using your mylife YpsoPump with the therapy management solution diasend® by Glooko.

Our intuitive mylife YpsoPump insulin pump can be used together with our user-friendly therapy management solution mylife Digital. With mylife Digital, consisting of mylife App, mylife Software and mylife Cloud, you can keep track of your diabetes therapy. You always have your therapy-relevant data at hand, can use the user-friendly bolus calculator and share the data with the attending physician. And now new: you can also share your data with your physician using the diabetes data management solution diasend®.

Freedom of choice with the mylife YpsoPump
With our mylife YpsoPump insulin pump you can use the diasend® software for simplified communication with your physician.

2.2 million diasend users worldwide

The diabetes data management solution diasend® is a software widely used by people with diabetes and physicians. It is available in 23 countries, is used in 9,000 clinics and has 2.2 million registered patients.

First cloud-to-cloud solution uploading insulin data to diasend®

Owing to a partnership between mylife Diabetescare and Glooko, the therapy data of your mylife YpsoPump can now be sent via the mylife App and mylife Cloud to diasend® if you so wish. The data transfer operates via a secure cloud-to-cloud solution. This is the world’s first cloud-to-cloud solution between diasend® and another diabetes therapy management solution that uploads therapy data from an insulin pump. Should your attending physician use the diasend® software, he/she can now also read your therapy data in the familiar software environment. This simplifies communication between you and your physician.

Modularity of the mylife YpsoPump offers freedom of choice

With the mylife YpsoPump, we deliberately focus on modularity so that you can decide for yourself which diabetes therapy products you would like to connect and combine your insulin pump with. We therefore hope that you will ultimately benefit from a diabetes therapy that is suitable for you and consists of the components you have selected.
