mylife Stories

Dom Nutt has been diagnosed since 1982. For 41 years, he has been using different therapy options to manage his diabetes. Working in Somalia far away from the next hospital, with no help or customer service available was difficult: Since moving to the mylife Loop Dom feels more in control of his blood sugars and is grateful to receive 24 hour service from the UK Technical Support Team.

Dom Nutt during his time in Somalia.

Dom has worked overseas in war zones as a campaigns and communications specialist, communicating the needs of communities in peril. Nowadays he takes it a bit slower and he works on better ways of funding and communicating medical trials. As a type 1 diabetic and former cancer patient, who has benefited from medical research, he now tries to use his expertise to put something back into the system. He appreciates mylife Loop and encourages people with diabetes to give it a try:

“My numbers are good, I am in range almost all the time. And I have huge peace of mind knowing that I can call the mylife Customer Service when I need to – that mental reassurance cannot be overestimated. mylife Loop is easy to use, both the system and the mylife YpsoPump. If you are already on a pump, there is not much you need to do more. There is really no downside, the mylife Diabetescare team is extremely kind and they understand the patient”,

says Dom about using mylife Loop.

More about mylife Loop
