Year of birth:
Perth, Australia
Customs Broker
Cycling, photography
Diabetes since:
Previous form of therapy:
MDI at diagnosis for 12 years, Animas Vibe pump for 3 years, MDI for a further 5 years, mylife YpsoPump
Diabetes products:
Abbott/Ascensia/mylife blood glucose meter, Abbott Libre FGM (intermittently), Dexcom CGM (intermittently)

His credo

Don't let diabetes be your reason why not, make it part of your reason why!



His Instagram account, neilmclagan, gives you a glimpse of his life as an athlete, motivational speaker, vlogger and diabetes ambassador.


Visit his Facebook page to discover more about his experiences of living with diabetes, as an ultra-endurance cyclist, motivational speaker, father, partner and wholefoods advocate.


The following blog posts by Neil were commissioned by Ypsomed, as part of a patient education series on the mylife YpsoPump. He began trialling the mylife YpsoPump in October 2018. This blog series chronicles his initial and ongoing experiences with the mylife YpsoPump.

Living with diabetes, living without limits

The mylife YpsoPump has been everything I hoped for

Neil's blog posts

After being diagnosed at the age of 17, I’ve lived with Type 1 diabetes for over half my life. Despite my condition being a rollercoaster journey that has challenged me both physically and mentally, it hasn’t stopped me from doing what I’ve wanted to do.