Find out more about ‘our heroes’ and their experiences of living with Type 1 diabetes and the mylife YpsoPump. Read their stories or connect with them on social media for diabetes tips, stories and perspectives.


Her Credo:
Happy Tummy // Happy Mind // Happy Life


Her Credo:
Happiness doesn’t mean your life is perfect, it means you have the strength to look beyond the flaws.


His credo:
Don't let diabetes be your reason why not, make it part of your reason why!


Her credo:
Regarding diabetes: If in doubt, test, test, test!


Her credo:
Life is only as good as your mindset


Her credo:
Keep calm and be strong


Her credo:
Nothing is impossible – the word itself says “I’m possible”


Her credo:
Be kind to yourself


His credo:
"The most important factor that helps me live well with type 1 diabetes is maintaining a positive attitude."


Her credo:
"I call myself the ‘Pin Cushion Princess’, helping others to understand life with diabetes."

Latest posts

Enjoying all the little things about my mylife YpsoPump

The start of my journey

Blogger - Klara's blog posts

I started using the mylife YpsoPump about six months ago, and it has been everything I hoped for.


Getting connected with the Unio Neva

Another step in my mylife YpsoPump journey

Blogger - Ashley's blog posts

A week ago I received my new Unio Neva meter in the mail (and by the way, I love the custom mylife Diabetescare washi tape!). Alongside the meter, there were some test strips, a bottle of control solution – which I have not seen in a long time – and a lifetime supply of lancets.


Diabetes in real life

Dealing with the real-life challenges of diabetes

Blogger - Ashley's blog posts

In the past few months, I have experienced some of the frustrations that can happen when you live with diabetes. But they have been relatively easy to deal with, thanks to the features of the pump and the support from Ypsomed.


The beginning of something exciting

The start of my journey with mylife YpsoPump

Blogger - Ashley's blog posts

I have recently started using the mylife YpsoPump to manage my diabetes. So far, I have been impressed with both the pump itself and the support provided by Ypsomed.