Find out more about ‘our heroes’ and their experiences of living with Type 1 diabetes and the mylife YpsoPump. Read their stories or connect with them on social media for diabetes tips, stories and perspectives.


Her Credo:
Happy Tummy // Happy Mind // Happy Life


Her Credo:
Happiness doesn’t mean your life is perfect, it means you have the strength to look beyond the flaws.


His credo:
Don't let diabetes be your reason why not, make it part of your reason why!


Her credo:
Regarding diabetes: If in doubt, test, test, test!


Her credo:
Life is only as good as your mindset


Her credo:
Keep calm and be strong


Her credo:
Nothing is impossible – the word itself says “I’m possible”


Her credo:
Be kind to yourself


His credo:
"The most important factor that helps me live well with type 1 diabetes is maintaining a positive attitude."


Her credo:
"I call myself the ‘Pin Cushion Princess’, helping others to understand life with diabetes."

Latest posts

Australian blogger Roslyn Harris

The benefits of a little choice

I started using the mylife YpsoPump about a year ago, and I have not looked back.

Blogger - Roslyn's blog posts

Prior to starting on the YpsoPump, I was using a different pump that I was very unhappy with. I found it clunky and difficult to use – so my diabetes educator suggested the YpsoPump as an alternative. I decided to try it, not least because of its notably small size.


Diabetes management at work

A busy worker’s perspective

Blogger - Jasmine's blog posts

I am a shift worker and have had Type 1 diabetes since the age of six. My lifestyle is incredibly busy – I am constantly rushing around and have a very unpredictable schedule. I often work long 12–14 hour shifts where I do not have the chance to sit down and have a break, let alone eat. This can be mentally and physically demanding, especially when you throw diabetes management and hypoglycaemia into the mix.


Living with the mylife YpsoPump: a nine-year-old’s perspective

My journey with diabetes

Blogger - Rose's blog posts

Hello! My name is Rose, and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes last year. I had been feeling sick and wasn’t eating much so it was good to finally find out why. Although I was only eight years old at the time, I have quickly learnt all about diabetes and how I can look after myself to stay healthy.


Managing type 1 diabetes, a job and two children

Blogger - Brooke's blog posts

Living with type 1 diabetes can be challenging, particularly when it’s combined with a career and being a mother of two kids. Since my diagnosis at the age of three, the rigmaroles of blood glucose management and carbohydrate counting have nearly always been a part of my life. Over the years, I have navigated through these complexities with help from a variety of diabetes management techniques. From having type 1 diabetes in the era of insulin derived from pigs, it has been fantastic to witness these methods evolve and experience their effects, first-hand, on my quality of life.