We all want to smell good and look smart thats what body care is all about. This helps us feel good and start the day feeling fresh. It is no different for people with type 1 diabetes. However, they have to pay attention to a few more things and adapt their body care accordingly.


No couple planning to start a family should have their desire to have children left unfulfilled. But getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy can be more challenging for women with type 1 diabetes. Advanced technologies such as automated insulin delivery systems (AID) can help make the wish to have children come true.  


The Christmas holidays are over, and for many people the new year means making resolutions. For a lot of people, a healthier diet is right at the top of their list of priorities. Nevertheless, eating is not only about satisfying hunger, but also about enjoyment. This is true for people with type 1 diabetes too, but it is important to be aware of some additional factors that affect your diet. 


Vores forpligtelse over for mennesker med diabetes

Verdens diabetesmåned 2023

mylife Stories

Omkring 537 millioner mennesker verden over lever i dag med diabetes. Hos Ypsomed går vores dedikation til at forbedre livet for mennesker med diabetes og andre kroniske tilstande ud over World Diabetes Month - det er en forpligtelse året rundt.